Monday, July 18, 2011

Picture Overload: Take Two

Back at it...

We have also been watching Adam play softball once a week. Griffey loves going to his games and yelling "Go daddy" and playing with all the other kids there. He brings a ball and a bat and makes new friends each time to play catch with.

It usually takes a while for Griffey to find Adam because he is waaaaay out there!

Good form!

Grandma "Mama" sometimes comes also.

Contrary to popular belief, we do not go to Taco Bell very often.  However, we did go this one day and I thought Adam and Griff looked pretty cute talking to eachother and being all matchy.

We also like to go to the lake, especially Baker Bay.  We have gone swimming there a couple times and camped there the weekend after the 4th of July. I thought you may want to see out my window.

Carl rented a raft and took Myla, Carlee, and Griffey out for a scenic tour.
Griffey liked helping guide.

Baker Bay seems a little muddy, but I don't mind it. It is a great place to spend the day.

After all the long days, we like to read our library books and take naps.  Griffey and I go to the Eugene Library once a week for "Wonderful Ones" storytime.  Or routine is to get there early, walk around and look at the construction machines going and watch the buses at the bus station, then we line up for when the library opens and head inside.  We pet the kitty {Griffey thinks it is real and tells it stories and laughs as he pets it. This is his favorite part of the whole day.  He pets the cat for a good ten minutes. If the cat is not there, he goes up the lady and asks for the cat.  Oh, it is a puppet, by the way.....}.  We sing songs during storytime and then we eat chocolate chip banana bread from the cafe and then go meet Adam at school.

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