Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Two Successes in One Month!

I kill plants. All plants. The only two plants I have ever kept alive for more than a week were a pot of mint and a pot of chicks and hens and the only reason these plants were magically staying alive past a week was because I set them in the path of a sprinkler. By the way, the mint is dead now. ha

Anyway, I am a proud, successful farmer now! Check the picture for proof!

You can barely see it, but I am holding my very first tomato grown from my topsy turvies. By the way, notice both of these plants are beautifully thriving!
My other recent victory came after I joined Bi-mart. I joined for the sole purpose of winning stuff on Lucky Number Tuesday.  The first Tuesday after I joined, I won a 2-Liter of diet Shasta cola. Adam thought it was a lame prize and begged me not to redeem it and embarrass him, but a win is a win and you better believe I walked out of the store with my prize. And of course, I made Adam document my giant win:
Success! Just ignore my look in this picture- I had just finished lap swimming and was still dripping!
So obviously August was a victorious month for me!

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